Crystal Properties

Creativity - Courage - Vitality Chakra; Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root Zodiac; Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo • Carnelian is said to help vou embody vitality and courage, fearlessly taking action to pursue your goals whilst boosting our physical energy •...
Creativity - Courage - Vitality Chakra; Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root Zodiac; Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo • Carnelian is said to help vou embody vitality and courage, fearlessly taking action to pursue your goals whilst boosting our physical energy •...
Spiritual Growth - Cleansing - Past Life Chakra; Crown, Third Eye Zodiac: Libra, Gemini • Believed to manifest intense clearing of negativity in your body by sending sending pure light energy and high vibrational cleansing pulsing...
Spiritual Growth - Cleansing - Past Life Chakra; Crown, Third Eye Zodiac: Libra, Gemini • Believed to manifest intense clearing of negativity in your body by sending sending pure light energy and high vibrational cleansing pulsing...
Rutile in Quartz
Positivity - Protection - Change Chakra: All Zodiac; Gemini, Leo, Taurus • Eases anxiety, fears, phobias, guilt and loneliness whilst boosting you with positive energy • Draws off negative energy, letting go of the past, and...
Rutile in Quartz
Positivity - Protection - Change Chakra: All Zodiac; Gemini, Leo, Taurus • Eases anxiety, fears, phobias, guilt and loneliness whilst boosting you with positive energy • Draws off negative energy, letting go of the past, and...

Crazy Lace Agate
Confidence - Happiness - Supportive Chakra; Root, Sacral Zodiac; Gemini • Known as the "laughter stone“, Crazy Lace bringsfeelings of joy and happiness, and helps you have a more optimistic mindset • Supports and encourages those who work with...
Crazy Lace Agate
Confidence - Happiness - Supportive Chakra; Root, Sacral Zodiac; Gemini • Known as the "laughter stone“, Crazy Lace bringsfeelings of joy and happiness, and helps you have a more optimistic mindset • Supports and encourages those who work with...
Smoky Quartz
Serenity - Protection - Grounding Chakra: Root Zodiac; Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn • Powerful grounding crystal with cleansing energies • Strong protection against bad luck • Said to dispel nightmares, and manifest dreams • Promotes positive thoughts, and...
Smoky Quartz
Serenity - Protection - Grounding Chakra: Root Zodiac; Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn • Powerful grounding crystal with cleansing energies • Strong protection against bad luck • Said to dispel nightmares, and manifest dreams • Promotes positive thoughts, and...
Love - Harmony - Creativity Chakra; Heart Zodiac; Leo, Scorpio • Believed to enhance vour creativitv, spontaneity, and sexual energies • Stone of love and compassion, it's believed to help lift depression, and encourages a positive and cheerful...
Love - Harmony - Creativity Chakra; Heart Zodiac; Leo, Scorpio • Believed to enhance vour creativitv, spontaneity, and sexual energies • Stone of love and compassion, it's believed to help lift depression, and encourages a positive and cheerful...