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The Banshee Spirit Doll

The Banshee Spirit Doll

Regular price £130.00 GBP
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The banshee; also known as the Bean Sidhe (Fairy Queen). 
She is a guardian of the well of grief. She is the water element. She cries for us and helps us in times of need.
Grief comes in many forms; 
• Death of loved ones (human or animal). 
• Death of dreams or hopes. 
• Time we can no longer experience. 
• Ancestor longing ‘hiraeth’.

The Banshee helps you to understand your own journey of grief and the gifts you receive from your initiation with it. Do not fear her, as she guards the oldest mysteries of the deepest well. 
She is a Reliquary familiar. She holds relics of grief which are charms, symbols, photos, etc. 
She screams for us when we cannot. 
She can be used to honour what we’ve lost, which could be connection to our land, ancestors, practices forcibly broken/removed, lost ones, and those that have died. She is very sacred.

Medicine bundle inside;
• Butterfly pea flower (for immortality). 
• Rose (for love). 
• Samhain resin (representing the veil between earth and otherworlds). 



What are spirit dolls?

A ‘spirit doll’ is a familiar. One who is very close to you. Depending on the medicine bundle inside, and the meaning of the doll, they can help with protection, physical or mental health, happiness, grief, etc. 
Or they can be an aspect of you; I.E. if you are someone that likes to be solitary and enjoys the forests, or someone that likes to work with ancestors, or someone that is a healer and likes to help others etc. 
There are also dolls that are deities such as Brigid, Cailleach, The Banshee, The Witch, Medusa etc. and these will hold the energy of that deity to be able to work with you. 

The dolls can be something you keep with you every day in a bag, or put by a bedside, or put on an alter or shelf. 
They are part of you, and are to be used and spoken to. 


Credit to @SacredFamiliar and #SacredFamiliarDollCourse for teaching me how to make these. 

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